
Saturday, 19 December 2015

quick ways cute babes verify who they reply online

Have you been wondering why most babes snub you when you try to chat them up online? You are sure to find one of the reasons here.

1. Profile photo: Women just like men are easily influenced by what they see. The power of visuals cannot be underestimated, therefore once you show up in her inbox, be it on bbm, whatsapp, twitter, Instagram, anywhere! She's gonna head straight for your profile picture and she better love what she sees.

2. Check your social status e.g academic background, place of employment, earning potential, friends, relationship status and hobbies.

3. Check your photo gallery; the power of visuals has already been explained, however while your DP would make the first impression, your photo gallery would make a lasting impression. Here she's looking out for details like the location of these photos, the designers you are wearing, who have you been hanging out with, where have you been hanging at, are you a play boy or serious minded and so on.

4. check your posts: although the first three are really enough to earn you enough starter credits, but some deep and intelligent babes may still investigate the content of your posts to find out how deep or shallow you are, for this select group of sapio-sexuals, your posts/tweets may actually be the most important factor out of the four mentioned factors.

5. Check your Age; most women are really big on age, they are curious to know exactly how old/matured you are. Are you a player, a prospective husband, a college graduate or some high school kid whom they should stop replying, trust me, they may not ask, but they would keep asking indirect questions until they can determine a safe age range to assign you.

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