
Friday, 14 December 2012

Three more exclusive poems from my collection

We marched on in silent procession
As the chilly early morning cold
Bruised our shy skins,
My father and I trekking
To the farmland behind our house;
A whooping two miles away.

It’s a subsistence community,
Everyman fends for his own,
Even as farming sat on the high walls,
Overseeing all other economic ventures.
“No food for the lazy man” was the motto.
With every impact of my hoe against the metallic soil,
Sweat immersed my naked skin,
Like one just through with his baptismal,
Even as my brow furrowed in exhaustion,
Helplessness and dejection.

Exhaustion at this continued futile attempt to make
ends meet,
Helplessness from my father’s hoarse order
to keep on the brutal attacks on the poor soil,
even though I was grasping for scarce breath
and dejection at knowing that the yield
Does not deserve the labor.
But Alas! That was our fate –
We were society’s poorest,
and therefore owned the most wretched of lands.


Buzzing folks all around.
Beeping cars on the streets,
The bumps and thumps of motorists
And pedestrians alike.
Everyone shuffled briskly along
Obviously oblivious one to the other.

Cries of babies,
Howls from commercial motorists,
Screams from those alarmed at the stunts performed by
Commercial motorcyclists popularly called “okada”.
Violent pushing and shoving by pertinacious passengers
Boarding a bus, even as abuses were rained on those lucky enough to board,
and their anger at not being able to return the favor.
All these make the city what it is, “a den of hustlers, nay rustlers”.
Here we know not the weak, feeble, pregnant or infirmed,
Everyone is an island of his own
“Love your neighbor” does not apply here,
As everyone grapples with the reality
Of Darwin’s centuries old survival philosophy tagged
“Survival of the fittest” while the weak dies off.


Time discerns everything,
But time flies.
How long? Is a matter of how patient?
‘Turn by turn’ they say life is,
But alas I would rather cape Diem,
Cause I have seen so many of life’s crueltesque
The bastard owns a bag full of in-exhaustible tricks.
Alas while others never had a time,
The time of others came mocking when they
Already owned fiefs at the graveyard.

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