A Hashtag is actually a sign (#) usually added as a prefix to a (trending) word or string of words on social media e.g #beautiful, #AfricanParents. Hashatags are very important as they serve as a sort of marketplace or rendezvous point for every possible idea from different individuals with regards to a particular subject matter, for example during the elections hashtags like #Saibuhari #SaiBaba #Apc #Change represented a pool of information concerning the then presidential hopeful Muhammadu Buhari.
Over time however, the hashtag has moved from being used strictly for trending topics, to being used and abused for several other reasons, which includes personal, business, jokes, contests and the likes. Therefore anyone can start a string of hashtag regarding relatively anything, for instance, i have a hashtag on instagram (#Rouvafe) for the purpose of showcasing my poetry. Therefore depending on your role as a poster or viewer of information on social media, hashtags would play a huge role in narrowing your search range to the exact pool of information that you want.
Over time however, the hashtag has moved from being used strictly for trending topics, to being used and abused for several other reasons, which includes personal, business, jokes, contests and the likes. Therefore anyone can start a string of hashtag regarding relatively anything, for instance, i have a hashtag on instagram (#Rouvafe) for the purpose of showcasing my poetry. Therefore depending on your role as a poster or viewer of information on social media, hashtags would play a huge role in narrowing your search range to the exact pool of information that you want.

Now someone may ask, what are the advantages of using hashtags?
1. It creates a niche for you online: once you start a unique hashtag on social media, it can serve as a special sort of identity for you and your brand, as long as you don't use a common word or string of words which many other unrelated users may have used or want to use. For example, on twitter, Pepsi is promoting the hashtag #ThingsIlongThroatFor, this is a very unique string of words and there is a very low chance that any random person would use it accidentally, the advantage here is that only people who are interested in you and your brand would post information with that hashtag included.

2. It exposes you to a wider audience: just imagine that you have 300 followers on instagram, this means that every time you post a photo, the maximum number of people that can view it are about 300, that is if all your followers are online, however when you add a relevant hashtag to a picture e.g #beautiful, this picture would be sent to the millions of other pictures under that hashtag, thereby giving you a larger audience, even with a few followership, since everyone looking for 'beautiful' photos would most probably search for the hashtag #beautiful. I recommend that you try this as soon as possible. Post a photo without a hashtag and post another one with hashtags, come back and tell me in the comment box below this post which had more likes after an hour.

3. Increase in Followers, likes, retweets, favourites, direct message and customer base/friends: lets say i am a lover of furniture, so i head over to #furniture on twitter or Instagram. I get to see all these wonderful tweets and photos from furniture makers and furniture lovers like me, what happens next? I get to FOLLOW them to get regular updates, then i LIKE, FAVOURITE or RETWEET them as the case may be. I may even get to send some DIRECT MESSAGES and who knows, i may even get to make a few friends.

4. Increase in sales: from the above, an increase in followers, likes, comments, reposts, retweets, favourites and so on, would actually increase your exposure
online and invariably increases your chances of reaching the right audience, especially if you used the right hashtags for your posts. This also applies to those who render services and others who hope to find a certain kind of spouse or girlfriend online e.g #BritishMen #handsomeBritishmen #popularBritishguys, and so on, could be a good way to start for a woman who wishes to date a Briton.
online and invariably increases your chances of reaching the right audience, especially if you used the right hashtags for your posts. This also applies to those who render services and others who hope to find a certain kind of spouse or girlfriend online e.g #BritishMen #handsomeBritishmen #popularBritishguys, and so on, could be a good way to start for a woman who wishes to date a Briton.

5. Connect with people who share your passion: once you use the relevant hashtag for your interests, passion or profession, you stand a higher chance of meeting people like you. Just consider your chances of meeting a banker at a bankers conference as opposed to your chances of meeting a banker at an airport. Personally, i love literature in general and poetry in particular, so almost everyday, i search the hashtags #poets, #poetry #poem #words for new poems and poets whom i can connect with.

6. Saves time and stress: You are a very busy individual with a tight schedule, however you also wish to know what is happening in the world out there, both in the political and social scene, the best way to do this is to follow some hashtags, some of which are #happeningnow #breakingnews #Nowtrending and so on. these hashtags would save you time and as well keep you abreast.

7. Earn you income: there are companies that would readily pay for you to help promote their products and services through hashtags, therefore if you have the capacity to get many people to view and interact with these businesses through their unique hashtag, then you would get a handsome pay in return. I know a lot of guys whose fulltime job is promoting artistes and businesses online through hashtags among other things. Have you ever seen something like #RabaVideoByKissDaniel, #RainbowBy2face? If you have, then you know exactly what I'm talking about.

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Written by
Favour Onyeoziri (Social media extrovert)
(Bbm: 56466665. Whatsapp: 08024327858)
For: rouvafe.blogspot.com
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