There was this time I was wooing a very beautiful lady, i couldn't tell whether she liked me or not, but she was trying real hard to deflect all my advances and honey-laced words. One time, i was bestowing her with compliments about her features; how i loved her height, her diction, humility,
shape of her lips, her intelligence and the likes, i ended that 'toasting' session by emphatically stating that she was just perfect for me. As expected, she refuted my use of 'perfect' to describe her, she categorically elucidated all her faults which i had intentionally shunned. So in order not to look stupid by entertaining her rebuffing of my flattery, i had to dish her a potful of how i did not like 'perfect' people. How i preferred to date an imperfect lady, then have both of us claw towards perfection together. I schooled her on how perfect people had their rigid rules cut out for them, how flexibility wasn't one of their strong points, i elucidated on their knack for being pompous and their immense disdain for the 'ordinary' and indeed everyone else. I took this young lady on a long journey whose sole aim was to ensure she understood that i was ready to do all it would take and tolerate her imperfections and shortcomings as we climb the ladder of perfection lovingly, patiently and painstakingly. At this point in time, i can barely even remember who exactly the lady in question is, neither can i vividly recall if my intentions towards her were as pure as connoted In the discourse above, what i'm sure of however is that i said the right thing.
These days, so many of us are just in a rat-race to grab a priced 'perfection', be it in a relationship, business, academics and otherwise. Most of us do not want to be a factor in the emergence of the 'perfection', we just want to be beneficiaries, who want to 'use' or 'grab' all we can and leave a 'wreck' as remainder of what we met perfect. Ladies do not want to date any man without the immediate means to gratify their thirst for luxury, on the other hand, most men do not have any concrete plan for any lady whom they deem as 'classless'. It is quite unfortunate that most people would rather be parasitic friends with your wealth and jump ship once the first signs of financial turbulence hits your camp. Most do not even wait to ascertain the degree of the impending disaster, instead they flee so fast and faraway that even you would find it hard to believe they were once close acquaintances of yours. Over time, i have ascertained that the difference between good and evil is how much money is involved, the more money you possess, the more goodly you appear, it goes the other way round. This Christmas, all i wish for is that we all work together in synergy, a bunch of metals, constantly sharpening each other, both passively and actively, verbally and materially, spiritually and financially, a team of friends who would help each other achieve perfection, friends who would be there in riches as well as in need, spouses who would not flee when the evil wind of financial disaster visits, children who would take out five minutes to send their parents 'thank you' messages and all those debtors who would try their best to pay back at least 50% of their debts this Christmas. I wish for compassionate church members who would shift from telling you 'God will provide' to giving you two loaves of bread and five fishes, Parents who would not spend their children's school fees on Asoebi and buying beer for everyone at the bar. Boyfriends who would remind their Girlfriends to read for next year's Jamb and course mates who would volunteer five minutes to explain a difficult concept to the rest of the class. I hope my wish is not too much to ask for, but my wish still remains my wish, and its all i ask for. Compliments of the season and Merry Christmas.

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Written by
Favour Onyeoziri (Social media extrovert)
(Bbm: 56466665. Whatsapp: 08024327858)
For: rouvafe.blogspot.com
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