
Sunday, 28 August 2016

Three Nigerian poems about you

a poem

Letting go

These days i readily feel the need to cry.
To let tears find their way down my chiseled cheeks.
Maybe not the loud whimpering cry.
Just the quiet flow of emotions,
A quiet stream flowing down my eyes,
through my nose to the two ends of my lips,
My mistakes stopping at the reaches of my tongue,
I taste the saltiness of my regrets,
The consequences of my mistakes,
I let more rain wash into my mouth,
I shall taste the result of my past,
I shall still smile with this mouth,
When i reap the results of these new seeds.

Sunday, 7 August 2016

A funny Lagos Ashawo story

I find it rather odd that no one rates Lagos prostitutes’ hangouts online, I guess most people do not want to run the risk of being caught promoting such an illegal activity. Same applies to me, if not for my love for writing I wouldn’t even write this, but here I am about to tell you the story of this Ashawo spot along Ogudu road, Ojota. What actually attracted my attention was not the half-clad, totally unclothed or red-bleached ladies. What drew my attention were the guys, each time I see them, I cannot help laughing (in my mind, of course, to avoid getting a beating of a lifetime).

Saturday, 30 July 2016

Culture of appreciation

I can still clearly recall the night before I left home to stay at a university of Lagos campus as a fresh undergraduate, I thought my parents would bring out a long scroll of pre-written rules, regulations, instructions and advice to burden my gay mind with. Strange enough, that night went by as every other night, there was no meeting, no ‘come and sit, let’s talk’ moment, we simply said the usual family prayers and I gladly went to bed, my ears unburdened by any rhetoric I had heard all my life. I thought they had saved the ‘long talk’ for morning, so I woke up early, rehearsed both my verbal and non-verbal reaction to their advice, I was bent on being a good son this one time, I couldn’t afford to give one wrong response and then open an extra door for a ‘helluva’ talk. That morning passed and the only talk were random reminders about what and what I had taken or probably forgotten to pack. That afternoon, I left our Ikeja residence for El-Kanemi hall, Unilag. Till today, I never got that long talk about being a good child, not skipping classes, avoiding bad friends, cultists and attending church regularly, that ‘long talk’ never came. Today as I reach another landmark year in my life’s journey, I want to thank my parents for holding their peace and letting me have a relatively free rein in my life’s decisions for the past six years. I am indeed grateful for all the monies, care and affection you have spent all these decades.

The dead have no ears - a poem

So first, you could say i have lived,
Two you were my friend
Three you knew me
Four you never saw me fall
For whenever i cried,
You always turned your back.

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Fanti the proud hen

Every cock in the neighborhood wanted the attention of Fanti. They couldn’t resist her brown and white feathers, she was barely six months old, but she had grown faster than her peers. She was plump and very extroverted, she had maroon eyes and loved to play hide and seek with the male cocks who couldn’t stop admiring her. To further seal Fanti’s position as the most beautiful hen in the neighborhood were the two blue feathers on her tail. These were special God marks, it wasn’t there when she was hatched, but had practically grown overnight. At first everyone thought it was a sort of paint stain, but as time went on, they turned into a really beautiful trademark.

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

How I fell in love with Happiness

On a calm morning roughly seven years ago, I was on my way to school, my mind just floated around like a butterfly in the air, I was neither happy nor sad, just in a normal mood. There was nothing to be excited about, the only advantage school had over staying at home was the abundance of friends it offered. At least in school you had an array of people to talk to, laugh with and jeer at. So this particular morning, while strolling the five-minute distance from my house to my usual bus stop, I saw this beautiful girl walking towards me, she was tall, light-skinned and had braids to complement her looks, the fact that she wore the uniform of an upscale school in the neighborhood lent more relevance to her allure. All these however did not strike an unusual chord with me as I was used to seeing several ‘fine’ babes. Infarct I had a number of them in Church whom I already had secret crush on.

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

how to avoid appearing ugly to others

half face

'Top 10 Nigerian literary blogs' was what i just searched for on google and guess what? go search for it yourself and you'd find exactly what i find found. That asides, humans are very funny people, i mean really funny souls, some can also be cruel, harsh, pessimistic, but in all these, there is always a low level comic relief attached to all our actions. Lets take this black phone for an example. I picked up a random phone whose owner i don't know, upon pressing the power button, the phone displays one half of a female face, now i'm forced to bring the screen closer to my eyes in other to properly identify the half face, its not as if i'm blind or anything, just that its not everyday you get to come across a half-face. off course i recognize the full version of this half face now, it belongs to someone familiar, a beautiful young lady with all the round pegs in the round holes. On a normal day, it would

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Shabba: why wizkid should never smoke America Igbo again


Firstly, i must confess that i have no technical knowledge about music, movies or any other thing at that. I actually know a lot of Bible verses, just so you don't confuse my evaluation for that of a professional critic. But what exactly was Wizkid, Chris Brown, Trey songz and french Montana smoking when they made that mind blowing 'shabba' song? by the way Wizkid and Tinie did a great job on the, 'Mamacita' track. Indeed, 'i like their style!' especially Tinnie's rap. But what exactly was wizkid and his oyinbo friends thinking when they wrote and recorded that 'shabba' song?

Friday, 1 July 2016

Must read: Cameras are no longer the only way to capture moments

Everyone, in no particular other
Ify, Salad, Rock, Seun, Shola, Greene, Kedman, Zazza, Enddy, and a desk littered with a hand bag, three phones, a handbag, HP laptop and an empty chair, Oops, the owner just walked in, now its occuppied by Marie, its marie's Chair, Marie's desk. Marie is sitting in front of me, throwing flattering words at salad, salad is sitted at the second column in the row before the last. Salad is dancing to Wizkid's 'ginger', Marie is the DJ, Marie hails Salad some more. Salad blushes, then adds a couple more subtle moves to his cache of dance steps. Ify is sitted on the same column as salad, only a seat seperates them. Ify is engrossed in her work, Damn! that Babe can focus for Africa! Shit! She just got distracted by Mr Lanre who just walked in. Kome and Sam walk in too.

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

DANCE ADDICT (a classic naija dance mix) BY DJ 4SIDE!

DJ 4side mix

The Nigerian fast rising DJ "DJ 4SIDE" Presents a very interesting mixtape which he tittled "DANCE ADDICT" this mixtape is sure gonna get u dancing profusely Till the end. 
The aim and objective of this mix is to create a moment of happiness and lively mood to the listeners!
The mix features hit songs from top notch Nigerian celebrity artistes!
DJ 4SIDE IS a professional disc dockey, a graduate from the university of Lagos, he is also a professional events mc & HYPE-man, a social event organiser and planner! He is just an amazing person!

download here:

Contact dj 4side;
Instagram: @dj4side
Facebook page : Dj4side

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Very important tips to survive as an NYSC corps Member

There are so many wrong notions about the NYSC scheme, the most comon one ahould be the word, 'corper' it really does not exist, even in your dictionary, *winks*. 
That said, i'd write a seperate article about misconceptions about NYSC. But for today, lets check out these all important tips every prospective "Corper" needs to know.

Sunday, 29 May 2016

very costly mistakes youths make about school

school, learning and education

1. School equals Job: school may have guaranteed people jobs in the past, but it doesn't any longer. These days, schooling is more a product of choice and a means to an end, other than an end in itself. Gone were those days when paper qualifications qualified people for job placements. Talent has never been as relevant as it is now. Skills are the new crude and anyone who isn’t ready to get his hands and mind creatively dirty is not going to get anywhere. New inventions, ideas and concepts are the in-thing now. Everyone is looking for a way to break away from the norm, a way to off-set established precepts and find easier alternatives to them. The good news is that with the advent of internet and digitization, idea execution has never been easier.

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Five qualities a great leader should not misuse

Written by Makinde Isaac
In every group you belong to in life one thing usually makes your group stand out and distinct. The answer is not far fetch, it is leadership. A leader can be progressive or retrogressive. This is visible in the family, school, corporate world and in government. A great leader is therefore imperative to achieve a lot in every sphere of our life. A saying usually comes to mind when someone is referred to as a leader, which is “he who thinks he is leading and has no one following him is only taking a walk”.

Friday, 15 April 2016

Important tips on securing your dream Job in Nigeria (for graduates)

A cross section of NYSC 2015 Batch A Corps members

Yesterday, several NYSC Corp members numbering about 100,000 passed out from the scheme. They had successfully served their fatherland in different capacities. Although most of them were arbitrarily turned into classroom teachers, several others served in 

both government parastatals and private organisations, yet a very special category served in the capacity of 'ghosts'. These ones sought for and successfully found several means to evade taking any active part in the responsibilities attached with service, they most probably had bribed their way through by conniving with some staffs at NYSC. 

Monday, 21 March 2016

Davido, Wizkid and the Global boom awaiting Nigerian Music

Davido in Dallas
Just recently, New York based Fader magazine, an entertainment magazine featured Davido in its most recent edition, tagging him 'African pop music fortunate son'. This was in reaction to his Sony Global music recording deal which has been rumoured to worth a whooping $1m.

Fader magazine went ahead to headline and indeed feature Davido in its annual music show 'Fader Fort' in Austin, Texas. The event which held over the weekend saw Davido performing his monster hit 'Aye' to a delighted crowd of mostly white teenagers.

Although the crowd was obviously entertained, however there was a level of curiosity and appraisal attached to their response. It was very clear that Davido's music and sound was quite new to them. Yes! a few of them may have heard Wizkid's magical 'Ojuelegba' but a larger majority are still oblivious to the beautiful sounds and music emanating from Nigeria. 

Wizkid performing during his world tour
If the saying 'time would tell' is anything to go by, then i believe that with the youthful zest and ambitiousness of the likes of Wizkid and Davido, the beautiful Nigerian music and sound we enjoy here would soon become a huge global export, with Nigerian artistes and producers constantly in Global demand. Just wait on it you white folks, Nigerian Music is coming for y'all.

Onyeoziri Favour (social media extrovert)

Also read: My love for Falz the Bad Guyz and Simi

Sunday, 6 March 2016

Eyewitness account of James Ocholi's Last day in Church before his sudden death

Today, Pastor Tunde Bolanta of Restoration ministries Kaduna, kept referring to someoneas 'the honorable minister', at some point, i even thought he was talking about a minister (as in Pastor). Later on after his Sermon, he called 'the honourable minister' on stage and endeared the congregation to pray for him, he even told 'the honourable minister' to kneel on the altar as was the tradition in the Church. The minister, his wife and Son obliged and knelt on the altar as we all stretched our hands and prayed for him.

Saturday, 20 February 2016

11 Ways i plan to cut my expenses in this worsening economy.

It's no longer news that our economy is heading southwards faster than the speed of a meteor. So as a sharp Lagos Ibo Boy, i've drafted my survival gameplan. Have you?

Sunday, 7 February 2016

Accidental Super Model: 12 facts about Olajumoke Orisaguna

  1. She used to be a local hairstylist from Osun State.
  2. She is married, with two Kids.
  3. She left Osun for Lagos in search of greener pastures.
  4. She speaks little or no English at all.

Knockout: Omojuwa beats Ben Bruce in the second round of their tweet fight

Nigerians are really not nice especially on social media. Once they disagree with your point of view, it becomes a question of who can out-curse the other.
So veteran twitter warrior @Omojuwa tricked a newbie @BenBruce into the arena of twitter fights, Ben Bruce could not resist the bait, and the rest is history.

Monday, 11 January 2016

National Hero: Late Abacha donates $300m to fund 2016 deficit budget

Nigeria's 2016 budget has a deficit of N2.22trillion. Yea, that's the total amount of money we were supposedto borrow in order to make ends meet.

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