Whether it is out of sheer laziness, tiredness or just an irresistible urge to complain, i may never know. What I know however is that for one of the above mentioned reasons or some others, many of the Corpers on my BBM contact list seems to be lethargic towards the parade every morning. I have heard from some of them that they had to wake up from as early as four in the morning to earnestly begin preparations for the day's activities which begins with religious prayers, then morning Parade.
Considering the fact that many of them have never really fancied the idea of engaging in daily routine exercises and gym workouts before now, the NYSC drills and parades seems to be the most hectic and therefore scary of the activities they have to engage in. Just yesterday, Lara, a female friend in camp confessed to have been intentionally avoiding the parade grounds, She favoured feigning sick and thereby being afforded the opportunity of pitching her tent with the members of the red cross society in camp.
In another scenario, Mo, a friend whose orientation camp is in Katsina state has officially declared the state, the hottest state in Nigeria. Upon a closer observation of her pictures, i realised that she was putting on Sun shades in almost all of them, this prompted me to enquire if the use of sunshades was permitted in camp, her response was a resounding No. As a bad sharp Lagos girl, she had told the Soldiers that she was suffering from a minor visual impediment called 'eye ray', well they bought into it and there she goes, a VIP Corper afforded the privilege of shielding her fragile eyes from the scorching sun.
Now that we have begun an enquiry into the Camp life of the Corpers, more juicy posts would follow subsequently. However for the meantime, I advise the Corpers to try their possible best to participate in all the activities in camp, they should try to maximise the trainings and opportunities these three weeks of orientation seeks to afford.
#TheNYSCchronicles part2
written by Onyeoziri Favour 'Rouvafe'
(History graduate, creative writer & literary blogger)
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