
Tuesday, 10 April 2012


The Easter holiday was well anticipated and celebrated,it was a well deserved break from both work and education for workers and students respectively. Preparations were in top gear from friday,religious processions were spotted all over especially from the catholics, with human replicas of the crucifixion being was a time for sober reflections amidst religious tensions in the north.folks realised the significance of christ's death and even the more reflective sinners used it as an opportunity to reconcile with christ. Saturday saw preparations for sunday's festivities in top gear.families and eateries alike prepared sumptous meals, awaitng the resurrection of christ.Some denominations had vigils on saturday night(i don't bother with such activities), some partied (some unilag students actually did) and some spent the night idling at home (my category). As night faded into daylight,brand new and well ironed 'easter clothes' were brandished, dusted and wow all roads led to church-different churches of course.pentecostals and catholics alike, withot forgetting the all puritanical jehovah witnesses(they actually do celebrate easter). Pastors preached,priests admonished,as i assume (because i was right at home),some may have taken the last/lord's supper as the case maybe,last prayers and dispersal. Then began the festivities..we the non-church goers were already done with the food at home,so while they began their's,we moved out for greener pastures, from silverbird to ozone to sweet sensation and the likes (billionaires).Nightfall. Time to flick on the TV.breaking fallen,killing 38 (that was news) then the usual carnage we were all used to,the all too established and all powerfull boko-haram had performed as expected (dem no born govt well make dem stop them).And easter monday, rest rest rest although for me it was read read read,then do the dishes, clean the house, move to the hostel,tweet some pics and here we are.Today's tuesday, lazying around in Bed, tweeting like crazy and BBM madness is usual is not public holiday,so everyone heads back to work...and the ministry continues.what an easter to remember. Hope you like it.remember to leave your comments, and...THE END.

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