
Sunday 22 February 2015


Pat was the quiet type of person, maybe not shy, doubtfully introverted, arguably does not love to make a lot of friends, but definitely not the talkative type. Her voice was gold and she made it as scarce as possible, the effect of this was that whenever she eventually decides to speak, one may be compelled to listen since there is every tendency that whatever she was about to say was of extreme importance.
Since She seldom spoke, there was actually no room for anyone to nail her to any offence whatsoever. You know how people tend to attach more importance to what you said rather than what you did. The average person would hurt more when you rain abuses on them than when you engage them in a physical show of strength.
Therefore since slander and libel (she didn't tend to write much either) were totally out of her possible offence range, Pat was on the track of neither offending anyone nor seriously impressing anyone either. She wasn't just sitting on the fence, she was the fence herself. Neither trying to please anyone, but definitely trying her possible best not to step on toes. She was largely successful with her peace-quiet attitude until the IPad episode. You know how we can never really escape trouble in life, trouble would always find you, no matter where you hide.
On the whole, Pat is a tall, fair-skinned young lady, happily married without any kids yet. She is friendly, peaceful and gentle.
We were neither friends nor foes and without any exaggeration whatsoever, i can count just on one palm, how many times we spoke throughout that four-year duration.

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