
Saturday 24 January 2015

5 bad habits to drop in 2015

1. Belief that someone else would help you out
If after spending 20 days in the new year, you are still walking around expecting one person or the other to miraculously bring you the desired success or change, then you are not yet ready for the new year. The only person worth believing is yourself, your abilities and God.
2. procrastination
If you are still about to do what you
should have done since yesterday, then you should learn how to start setting goals with limited time frames. It is only a fool who sacrifices the present which he is sure of in exchange for an uncertain future. Therefore if you want to make any progress this year, learn to do it now! And do it the best way you can, a bird in hand (today) is after all better than 10 in the wild (tomorrow).
3. Belief that everything would turn out                      fine
While optimism is a very key ingredient to progress in life, however definite action must follow every goal you have set to achieve. Preparations must duly be made for the future, and not just a blind approach to the future, with the sheer belief that 'all will be well'.
4. Overzealous religiousness
It is important that you do not fail in life, then use religion as an excuse. Do not spend all your day, singing, fasting, churching & praying, they may lead you to God, but worldly success takes more than just that. Even the holy books encourages people to engage in productive activities and the Bible even goes to the extent of stating that 'he who does not work, let him not eat'.
5. Blaming others for Bad occurrences
We should realise that failure is as much a part of our daily realities as success is therefore when things are going wrong, instead of looking for whom to blame it on, your primary motive should be how to make things better first, then the blames can come later. Always remember to stay as far as possible from blames, they are just distractions which would only make you more enemies and divert your attention from the real issues at hand.

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