
Friday 10 April 2015

Cracked Story - This is not a Love story

Note: This is not a love story.
Cracked Story

Sometimes, you just wear your Armour of indifference, making me feel depressed in the process. Whenever i complain, you never bother to usher reasonable responses, you just blab around, messing up the whole situation with a lot of soothing words.

The other day, you came home just when the long hand of the clock consummated with the short hand, both pointing at twelve. What you would never know was that i had spent the past three hours of that evening, nursing my fears, which grew consummately with the thickening darkness of an evening proceeding into night.
You claim to remember only the roaring hoarseness of my voice, the fury and the blinding slap which lightened up your head in a million glittery pieces. Till today, you still claim you saw stars, but all i saw was the errors of your ways.

For once, you never gave change a chance in your life, fool-hardily, you progressed incorrigibly through each day, raising my blood pressure with each of your actions and dipping my soul in the salty ocean of your deprivation. I bore with you, throughout each show of shame, you were hell-bent, never giving up on the error of your ways, i never gave up on you either.

With each morning of cursing and crying, i loved you deeper, but the deep gashes of your traits on my fragile heart, left me susceptible to evil whims and caprices.
I swear i love you, but the story i wrote on your skull with the end of a hot iron, was not meant to disfigure you. It was a gift for myself, a certain small reprieve for my aching heart.

As i sit here within the limitless confines of these iron bars and stark faced Wardens, the only regret i entertain is that the stallion riding your reckless life that fateful Sunday afternoon did not buckle under the impact of the wine bottle whose pieces his skull made to rain around his head. True, he slumped into a two day coma, but of what use is your lifeless body and his incapacitated legs to me? What i always wanted was just a piece of all the love i was showering on you.

I never meant for the wine bottle to severe the love between his brain and spine. I just wanted him and you dead. As for my peace, my sterile cell room, affords me much more of it than you ever afforded in all our three years of dilly-dallying.

Written by Onyeoziri Favour
(Writer, Blogger, Poet


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